Not by Mitchell alone: on visual history in the research of German scholars

Saryusz-Wolska, М. (ed.), 2020, Historia wizualna. Obrazy w dyskusjach niemieckich historyków. Warsaw: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar.




visual history, German scholars, anthology, methodology, historiography


In this article, the author analyzes an anthology of texts from German historiography on visual history, collected by Polish researcher Magdalena Saryusz-Wolska. Since this area is only developing in Ukraine, there are still few theoretical works. Moreover, researchers of visual studies focus mainly on the works of representatives of the Anglo-Saxon school. Therefore, it is important for Ukrainian historiography to get acquainted with the work of the German school of visual history.

The volume includes ten texts, mostly theoretical, and an introductory article written by the book's editor. All materials are divided into five sections. The works of German researchers provide information about the origins of visual history and its formation as an academic field, with considerable attention paid to the development of methodology. Some empirical studies are also presented, often having an interdisciplinary character. An important component of the volume is the overview made by M. Saryusz-Wolska. The researcher not only analyzed the works presented in the book, but also outlined the broader context of their appearance in Germany.

The publication is important for historical discipline, as it includes key theoretical works of the German school of visual history and their detailed analysis.






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